Why Do We Apologize So Much?
Full disclosure: I've stopped apologizing for a number of things on this list, and it's been another game changer.
Pay attention to how many times you say sorry in a day and what exactly you are apologizing for. A heartfelt “I’m sorry” is powerful and can repair or strengthen a relationship and deepen connection. It takes vulnerability and courage to step up and admit we could have done or said something differently.
We diminish all that by apologizing for these things we shouldn’t be sorry for:
Changing your mind or asking a question
Letting go of what no longer serves you
Having a delayed response
Putting your well being first
Being passionate about what you believe in; living your truth
Your opinion or having a different perspective; it matters
Setting and protecting your boundaries; saying “NO”
Your presence; taking up the space you’re meant to
Your imperfections
Communicating your needs, and asking for them to be met
Following your heart and trusting your intuition
Being unapologetically YOU!!